Now booking Harvest Celebration field trips for Fall 2024.
Please visit the Field Trips page to request a fall field trip for your school.


Large crates full of green watermelonsNothing says summertime like a juicy and ripe slice of watermelon! At Jaemor, we’ve been growing these mouth-watering rites on our watermelon farm for years. Ours usually ripen in late July and into August, and it is always worth the wait. Consisting of 92 percent water, they are 100 percent delicious and nutritious, as a typically-sized slice contains about 85 calories. Watermelon is also a good source of vitamins A and C. And the entire melon, seeds aside, is edible – even the rind can be pickled and consumed. Make sure you pick out one that is dark green, symmetrical and bears few dents or cuts, and you are in for a true treat.

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